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  1. W

    Model X flat tire

    Screws and nails are a real pain and I totally agree with them that this is a perfect reminder to keep a plug kit handy. Model X owners with those wide, low-profile tires do get flats. It's just part of driving with those types of tires.
  2. W

    Model X HomeLink Acting Up!

    Even with all the updates and a strong signa, it'll still randomly vanish. You can try the usual stuff rebooting the screen or setting up HomeLink again but if it keeps playing hide-and-seek, you gotta hit up Tesla. They might need to push an update or worst case replace something.
  3. W

    Anyone’s Model X Window Screeching?

    It sounds like something's wrong with the window mechanism maybe something's stuck in the track or the regulator is failing. While it's a newer car window mechanisms can be tricky. check the window tracks for anything blocking them and try some silicone spray. If that doesn't solve it take it to...

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